Other Games

Anunnaki: Dawn of the Gods

Anunnaki: Dawn of the Gods
Anunnaki: Dawn of the Gods

Strategy board game for 1-4 players, designed by Simone Luciani and Danilo Sabia, combining euro and 4x mechanics. English edition.

Availability: few



Regular price: €110.00

Lowest price: €110.00
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Basilica 2.0 ENG

Basilica 2.0 ENG
Basilica 2.0 ENG

Basilica is a new edition of an iconic game by Łukasz M. Pogoda (ORP Orzeł, Sawanna) from 2010. A basilica unlike anything the world has ever seen is being built in Florence. Not one, but two architects are working on it. The first received this task from the queen, the second - from the bishop of the diocese. Which of them will design a larger part of the temple, thus gaining fame and wealth?


2 players | 45 min | age 14+
Authors: Łukasz M. Pogoda

Availability: several dozen



Regular price: €36.00

Lowest price: €30.60
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Dreadful Circus EN

Dreadful Circus EN
Dreadful Circus EN

Dreadful Circus is a fast strategy game by Bruno Faidutti (The Citadel,Diamant). It will take us to a mysterious world somewhere at the bottom of our minds. As circus directors we will try to organize an unforgettable evening of shows, fighting with each other to attract the attention of the largest audience.

2-8 players| 30-40 min | age: 14+
Author: Bruno Faidutti

Availability: few



Regular price: €30.00

Lowest price: €25.50
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First Martians

First Martians
First Martians

3…2…1… Liftoff! Set your foot on Mars, where fantastic adventures await you. First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet tells a magnificent history of humans struggling to survive on a hostile frontier. A series of missions form *two separate campaigns*. Take meaningful decisions and face their consequences! Experience thrills and awe as the plot unfolds! Additionally, the box features *6 standalone missions*. Choose your preferred difficulty level and mode of play: who do you want to be today? A scientist, an explorer, or an engineer? The game provides massive amounts of replayability, while at the same time the story will always reflect your decisions.


Age: 14+ | Players: 1-4 | Game length: 60 - 90 min.

Availability: several dozen




FM: A 'First Martians' Gamebook-Rescue Team

FM: A 'First Martians' Gamebook-Rescue Team
FM: A 'First Martians' Gamebook-Rescue Team

The MCEI astronauts have received a distress signal. It was sent from somewhere on Mars - the planet they believed to be alone on! Who sent it? Can the rescue mission reach the location on time? Will you succeed in a task on which the future of the Martian mission may depend?


Become a Martian astronaut and feel the flow of the board game! "Rescue Team" is a single-player gamebook showing the board game's challenges in a brand new way: dwindling resources, tense relations between a closed group of astronauts, and the need to make tough decisions.




This is a stand-alone product. You don't need to own the base game of First Martians to enjoy it.

Availability: several dozen




Gutenberg EN + PROMO

Gutenberg EN + PROMO
Gutenberg EN + PROMO

Gutenberg is a board game for 1-4 people in which players will play as the pioneers of printing in the 15th century. By carrying out orders, they will build their wealth and fame. By improving their printing workshops and gaining the support of patrons, they will develop their production capacity. The game will be won by a printer who boasts the greatest recognition and wealth.

1-4 players| 60-120 min | age: 14+
Designers: Katarzyna Cioch, Wojciech Wiśniewski


If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.

Availability: dozen



Regular price: €60.00

Lowest price: €60.00
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Million Dollar Script

Million Dollar Script
Million Dollar Script

Million dollar script is a party card game for 3-10 people. You will play as teams of writers competing with each other for the right to release the box office blockbuster.


Bundle contains: 

  • Million Dollar Script
  • Million Dollar Script: Setting cards PROMO

3-10 players | 45-60 min | age 14+
Authors : Daniel Stamm

Availability: several dozen



Regular price: €18.00

Lowest price: €15.30
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Million dollar script promo cards

Million dollar script promo cards
Million dollar script promo cards

Do you want your story to take place in a Magic Academy? In Outer Space? During a Civil War? Or maybe in a Post-Apocalyptic scenario? Now it can.


Instead of using different genres, you are choosing a specific Setting. Each Setting card is its own individual Setting. The front of the Setting card replaces the Heroic card during Character Creation and similarly, the back of the card replaces a Villainous card.


Set contains 8 unique cards.

Availability: several dozen




Monolith Arena DE

Monolith Arena DE
Monolith Arena DE

Monolith Arena ist ein schnelles taktisches Legespiel, basierend auf dem preisgekrönten und erprobten Neuroshima Hex-Mechanismus, bei dem die Spieler mit den Helden ihrer Fraktion den Sieg davontragen wollen. Dazu müssen sie die Finessen ihrer Fraktion erlernen, die Schwächen des Gegners studieren und siech an die Wendungen auf dem Schlachtfeld anpassen. Nur dann können sie den Sieg eringen!

Spieleranzahl: 2 - 4
Alter: ab 10 Jahre
Spieldauer: ca. 30 - 45 Minuten

Availability: several dozen




Monolith Arena ENG

Monolith Arena ENG
Monolith Arena ENG

MONOLITH ARENA is a fast, fantasy skirmish board game for two to four players. Learn the features of your warriors. Find and exploit your enemy's weak points. Always be ready to change your tactics.


2-4 players | 30 min | Age: 10+

Availability: several dozen



Regular price: €45.00

Lowest price: €45.00
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Monolith Arena: Academics/Akademicy

Monolith Arena: Academics/Akademicy
Monolith Arena: Academics/Akademicy

The Academics is and expansin for the fantasy-based battleground board game Monolith Arena. It contains many mesmerizing mages and lots of powerful runes. It includes an additional mechanism called Mana, and a brand new battle effect that heals units on the board.

The Academics are a guild of sorcerers, yet they are so much more. They not onlu control the flow of magic but also rule miraculous cities and states that have been formed with a mixture of magic and technology. Are you ready to control this flow?

2-4 players | 30 min | Age: 10+

Availability: few




Pret-a-Porter ENG

Pret-a-Porter ENG
Pret-a-Porter ENG

Prêt–à–Porter is an economic strategy game in which you will manage a company trying to succeed in the world of fashion and style. The game plays out over a year consisting of 12 rounds (months), divided into 4 Quarters. You will need to do numerous things to prepare for a show: sign short-term contracts, expand the company with additional buildings, hire new workers to increase efficiency, and most of all – create exciting new designs. It’s not as easy as it sounds.

2-4 players | 90 - 120 min | Age: 10+

Availability: few




Rising 5 DE

Rising 5 DE
Rising 5 DE

This game is language-independent! You can download English rulebook here: RULEBOOK.


Vor langer Zeit hat der altehrwürdige König von Asteros die blutrünstigen Monster dieses Planeten mit 4 magischen Runen in das Runentor von Asteros verbannt. Vor fünf Tagen jedoch hat eine unbekannte Macht das Tor geöffnet und den Runencode geändert. Asteros wird abermals von Monstern bedroht! 5 Helden wollen die Monster wieder verbannen: Ekho, Hal, Eli, Nova und ihr Anführer, der weise Orakl. Zusammen nennt man sie die Rising 5! Könnt ihr ihnen helfen den neuen Runencode zu entschlüsseln und die Monster wieder zu verbannen? Bringt den Frieden zurück nach Asteros!


Rising 5: Helden von Asteros ist ein Abenteuer und Deduktion zugleich! Besiegt die Monster, findet mächtige Artefakte und knackt den Runencode! Nur wenn ihr geschickt die 5 Helden von Asteros gemeinsam mit all ihren Stärken nutzt, könnt ihr Asteros retten, bevor euch die Zeit davonläuft.


1-4 players | 15-25 min. | age 12+ 

Availability: several dozen



Regular price: €30.00

Lowest price: €30.00
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Table Golf Association - PRO Edition (with wooden tiles)

Table Golf Association - PRO Edition (with wooden tiles)
Table Golf Association - PRO Edition (with wooden tiles)
  • The first dexterity game that allows you to design and play your own golf course. 
  • PRO Edition has 25 beautifully illustrated double-sided wooden terrain tiles providing endless design options. You can create a new course each time you play!
  • Play it solo, one-on-one, in teams, or as a league - so many different options!
  • Simple but challenging mechanics mean both serious golfers and casual gamers can enjoy the game!
  • It only takes minutes to set up and play, but it will take a lifetime to master!  


1-8 players | 30-120 minutes | Age: 10+
Author: John Garcia

Learn more about the game on Board Game Geek

Availability: several dozen




Tides of Time

Tides of Time
Tides of Time

Tides of Time combines the ease of play of a micro game with the strategic depth of set collection and drafting for a unique two player experience. The players are dealt a hand of 5 cards and draft one card at a time, passing their hands between them after each selection. Each card has a suit as well as a unique scoring rule that may score the player points based on the suits of cards drafted. At the end of each round, the players select one card to keep in their kingdom for future rounds as a Relic of the Past.


2 players | 20 min | Age: 14+

Availability: several dozen



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