Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Merchants Guild PL/ENG
- The seventeenth additional army for Neuroshima Hex, one of the longest-supported board games on the market!
- Change how you think about discarding tokens and set aside the ones that will bring you the most Gambles to pay off your units' special abilities.
- For the discarded tile, you will receive Gambles equal to its initiative. You have the decision to make: do you deploy a fast unit on the board or dismiss it to gain Gambles and pay for the special abilities of the other tiles?
1-4 players | 30-30 min | Age: 13+
Author: Joanna Kijanka
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Pirates PL/ENG
Pirates is an expansion to Neuroshima Hex 3.0, the iconic game about the world of Neuroshima. A pirate flag fluttered over the Caribbean islands where King Contamination and Queen Neo-Jungle would rule. The gangsters of the seas have a few surprises for their enemies... The new army plays by unprecedented rules, extending the standard Battlefield with special Water Spaces, to which only Pirates have access.
1-4 players | 60-120 min | age 14+
Authors: Thomas Jansen
This is an expansion. The Neuroshima Hex 3.0 board game is required to play.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Beasts PL/ENG
2-4 players | 30 min | age 8+
Authors: Joanna Kijanka
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Dancer (2012)
Neuroshima Hex! The Dancer is an army pack, part of a series of game expansions containing one Neuroshima Hex army. The army’s author is one of the game's most hardcore fans, known worlwide for his great fan armies published on – Rustan Håkansson from Sweden.
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Death Breath (2016)
The Death Breath is a terrifying virus which began spreading forth from the eastern enclaves of the Moloch. It infects every living thing, changing them into brainless, bloodthirsty beasts. Victims of these attacks become infected with the virus, and so it spreads.
So far, the most effective way of dealing with the infected are strong ammunition, grenades, and a sharp axe.
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Iron Gang (2017)
Neuroshima Hex! Iron Gang is a single army expansion for Neuroshima Hex! The main advantage of this army is the Chain special ability, which can be activated outside of battle. Chain is connecting two units with that ability, if there is a straight line between them, and it allows them to target and hit any unit on that line.
Age: 10+ Players: 2-4 Game length: 30 min
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Mephisto (2013)
Neuroshima Hex! Mephisto started life as a fan-created army expansion for Neuroshima Hex!, once published in small numbers by Portal Games as an exclusive gift for loyal NH fans, but after great feedback from them Portal Games announced that it had developed Mephisto and would now release it as an official expansion.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Missisipi PL/ENG
In 2050 Mississippi is a toxic sewage draining directly from the interior of Moloch. The river and its vicinity hidden in poisonous fumes are known as the Belt of Death or seedbed of mutants. Warriors of the Mississippi, clad in coats and gas masks, diffuse the worst of the diseases and poisons.
The main advantage of the army is the ability to massively poison the enemy HQ with Venom as well as to thwart the enemy plans. The other advantages are noticeable resistance to attacks and ability to bypass the enemy's defense.
The army's disadvantages are low number of Warriors, low mobility, low toughness, as well as a complete lack of armor.
Age: 10+ | Players: 2-4 | Game length: 30 min
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Neojungle PL/ENG
Neuroshima Hex! Neojungle is a single army expansion for Neuroshima Hex! The main advantage of this army is the ability to create a Motherland, which lets one Module simultaneously help all units which belong to the Motherland. Even units which are weak alone can become fast efficient killers.
Age: 10+ Players: 2-4 Game length: 30 min
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: dozen
Neuroshima Hex 3.0: Sand Runners PL/ENG
Sand Runners are the remaining forces that were once sent to face Moloch at the very beginning... A bunch of nut-cases who lost their minds during that time. They’re loose cannons with a light approach to their life, but don’t let that fool you, they are persistent. Some may think - well, but that’s all? The very moment people believe that they know everything there is to know about them, the most bizarre things happen... things that are unexplainable...
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Sharrash PL/ENG
Age: 10+ Players: 2-4 Game length: 30 min
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Smart (2014)
Smart is a part of Moloch, which has reached the southern part of the continent, where following fights with humans it was cut off from its origin, and found sanctuary deep inside the Neojungle. It resembles Moloch less and less with every passing day.
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Steel Police (2012)
The Steel Police – one of the symbols of Neuroshima world – now enters the universe of Neuroshima Hex…
Steel Police army pack introduces a new ability in a Neuroshima Hex line. It is called Reflection. Reflection protects the army unit from all attacks directed at its side marked with Reflection icon. Such attack is reflected in the opposite direction for a distance of one field and hits an enemy tile (Unit, HQ or Module) if it stands on an adjacent field on the line of attack. Reflected attack doesn’t harm Steel Police tiles.
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Troglodytes PL/ENG
Brand new mechanics and fresh challenges. This new army comes with a big amount of fighting units and Battle tiles. Troglodytes easily adapt to the situation on the board. By cannibalizing their own units, they earn Satiety markers. Those with Greater Satiety can inflict more wounds, are faster, more mobile, and resistant. On the other hand, sacrificing their own units depletes their numbers and limits their ability to initiate a Battle by occupying an entire board.
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Vegas PL/ENG
Vegas felt the effects of the war to a lesser extent than the majority of US cities and isone of a few surviving civilisation centres,where you can live a higher life standard than in most parts of the ruined continent.Vegas has also become villains’ Mecca, a place where they caught the scent of money making possibilities. Everyone knows today that in Vegas you can get everything you wish for, provided you can pay the right price. Vegas’ strength does not lie in a strong army, or heavy weaponry, but in the wealth, machine programming and human manipulation skills.
This is not a standalone game. The base set of Neuroshima Hex! 3.0 is required to play
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX: Additional 5 tokens
A set of 5 additional tokens for Neuroshima Hex.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Desert Tribes
The eighteenth additional army for Neuroshima Hex, one of the longest-supported board games on the market!
1-4 players | 60-120 min | age 14+
This is an expansion. The Neuroshima Hex 3.0 board game is required to play.
Pick-up Essen option available.
Availability: Preorder
Neuroshima Hex 3.0 ENG
In Neuroshima Hex! Armies face off over blasted terrain. Battle-worn officers maneuver their soliders into position. Quietly, like a dark tide rising, units are moved into place. Snipers draw a bead on their targets from afar. Machines as silent and dangerous as sharks gather. Hardened gangers tighten their grip on homemade flails, chains, and blades as they hide behind the rubble of torn town buildings.
2-4 players | 30 min | age 10+
Authors: Michał Oracz
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima Hex 3.0: Iron Gang DE
Das dunkle Tosen von blubbernden Motoren und die Wolke aus Staub – die Nacht wird ungemütlich – denn es kommt was auf euch zu: Hunderte bewaffnete Hooligans auf ihren Choppern jagen dir selbst in der Post-Apokalypse noch Angst ein. Wo die Iron-Gang vorbeischaut, bleibt nur Asche übrig.
Sie kreisen dich mit ihren Choppern ein, und fangen dich mit ihren Netzgeschossen. Damit beginnt für dich erst die grausame Zeit: Prügeltrupps nehmen dich in die Kneifzange und geben dir den Rest.
Die Iron-Gang ist keine Bande unorganisierter Hooligans. Es ist eine brutale Gruppe marodierender Nomaden, die die Jagd auf dem Rücken ihrer stählernen Rosse zu einer Kunstform perfektioniert haben …
- 54 Plättchen (davon 35 Armeeplättchen)
- 1 Anleitung /Referenzbogen
- 1 Zip-Tüte
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima Hex 3.0: Sand Runners DE
Der Hauptvorteil der Armee ist die Möglichkeit, ge-fährliche, gegnerische Felder mit dem Sandsturm auszuschalten. Einige Krieger der Sand Runners be-sitzen Modulfähigkeiten, was sie dazu befähigt, sich während des Kampfes gegenseitig zu unterstützen. Darüberhinaus ist das HQ-Plättchen zweiseitig und eine der beiden Seiten erlaubt es ihm, ein gefähr-liches, aber langsameres Ziel zu vernichten, bevor dieses es schafft, seinerseits anzugreifen.Der Nachteil dieser Armee ist die vergleichsweise niedrige Grundinitiative. Zudem kann ein unver-nünftiges Drehen des Banners in nur eine An-griffsrichtung die Möglichkeit verwehren, wäh-rend der Schlacht die ihn umgebenden Einheiten zu vernichten
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima Hex 3.0: Uranopolis DE
Tief in den amerikanischen Uranminen wurde mit modernstem Equipment radioaktives Material abgebaut. Die Apokalypse haben diese Minenarbeiter tief unten in ihren Schächten und Tunneln wie in einem Bunker überlebt. Auch nach Molochs Angriff ist ihr Uran eine sehr wertvolle Ressource. So hat sich über die Jahrzehnte nach dem Einschlag eine emsige Gesellschaft gebildet, die mit umgerüsteten Schürfwerkzeug ihre unterirdische Festung - Uranopolis - verteidigt. Ein Bollwerk tödlicher Effizienz aus einer vergangenen Zeit ...
35 Uranopolis-Plättchen, 12 „Kein Saft“-Plättchen, 2 Uranopolis HQ-Marker, 4 Netzplättchen, 1 leeres Armee-Ersatzplättchen.
Availability: dozen
Neuroshima Hex 3.0: The Year of Moloch
Neuroshima Hex – The Year of Moloch is an anniversary edition of Neuroshima Hex published by Portal Games to celebrate 2020 - The Year of Moloch. This limited edition printed only in 2020 copies includes double-layered board with new artwork, dedicated reference charts for all armies, new campaign about the beginnings of Moloch, new art and HQ plastic bits for all armies, hardcover art book, big box with an insert designed to fit all 19 armies. Only available at the official Portal Games store.
Players: 2-4 players | 30 min | Age: 10+
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Uranopolis PL/ENG
Pre-war uranium mines with hidden underground equipment and mining crews managed to survive the apocalypse and are still extracting valuable uranium. Over the following decades, many of the heavy mining machinery was transformed into deadly weapons and sent to defend the underground fortress. And so a new town was founded. Uranopolis - a rich mining town, effectively guarding their treasure from being plundered by grabby neighbors.
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
Neuroshima HEX 3.0: Doomsday Machine
The Doomsday Machine is an automated, deadly trap - an intelligent security system protecting a secret base hidden in the radioactive wastelands.
Its algorithm commands it to destroy any intruder, whether it is a man, mutant or a Moloch robot. What could be hidden behind such a powerful defense system?
The army advantages are: long-distance Modules, large number of Medics, also a Trap and a Small bomb, which can clear some space on the board in case of enemy dominance. However, the biggest strength of this army are its special units, which are able to redirect and duplicate Ranged attacks (Doom Net Fighter, Fireblast and Tripler). The army disadvantages are: small number of fighting units, low initiative, fewer chances to start a Battle and almost complete lack of Mobility.
Age: 10+
Players: 2-4
Game length: 30 min
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
NH3.0: Orbital
Availability: several dozen
NH3.0: Hegemony with unique atwork
The product is the army from the base game with unique graphics. It was the award for the winner of Neuroshima Hex Championship eliminations in Poland in 2019.
Availability: several dozen
NH3.0: Armia Moloch/ Moloch with unique atwork
The product is the army from the base game with unique graphics.
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
NH3.0: Unikatowa Armia Borgo / Unique Borgo Army
Since the beginning of the war, Moloch has created numerous generations of mutants. Enhanced growth rate, genetic engineering and high combat skills are the essence of a mutant’s abilities. Their various breeds roam the barren lands fighting over every inch of it, quite often against one another. The scattered groups have finally become united by the charismatic cyber-mutant Borgo, who leads the horde against humanity under his defiling banner of Biohazard.
The product is the army from the base game with unique graphics. It was the award for the winner of Neuroshima Hex Championship eliminations in Poland in 2018.
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen
NH3.0: Armia Posterunek/Outpost with unique atwork
This is a Neuroshima HEX! 3.0 Outpost Army Pack with new, unique artworks, illistrated by Yerbol “Eskrey” Bulentayev. This expansion was given as a prize to the winners of the 2017/2018 Neuroshima HEX Polish Championship Elimination Rounds.
If you are in USA or Canada please go to Portal Games US Store.
Availability: several dozen